- What is REST?
- Best thing ever. makes developers life much easier.
- REST means Representational State Transfer
- You can simply make a CRUD app using this.
- Client makes HTTP requests to the API
- API handles Routes,Business Logic
- Sends and retrieve data from the database.
- This is simple, scalable and reliable.
![]() |
REST API Architecture |
- We are going to make a simple REST app using Node Express framework and MongoDB.
- First you have follow these and setup the project.
- First you have setup node and create a project. I have explained this in my Node.js for dummies post.
- Then you have to setup MonogoDB and keep it running. I have explained this in my MongoDB for dummies post
- You need a postman app for testing HTTP requests. Download it from here.
- And you need Robo 3T app for MongoDB GUI supporter. Thank me later for this Robo 3T.
- Now lets get our hands dirty,
- First we add express frame work to our project
npm install express --save
- this --save adds the dependency or "external resources" to package.json file in the project.
Now we can start development,
- First thing to be done is import the dependency, by requiring it on the top of the project. otherwise we cannot use express.
const express=require('express');
- I declare it as constant, because this variable should be declared only once.
- Then i create an instance of the app.
const app=express();
- And now app contains all the properties functions of an express app.
{ [EventEmitter: app]
domain: undefined,
_events: { mount: [Function: onmount] },
_maxListeners: undefined,
setMaxListeners: [Function: setMaxListeners],
getMaxListeners: [Function: getMaxListeners],
emit: [Function: emit],
addListener: [Function: addListener],
on: [Function: addListener],
prependListener: [Function: prependListener],
once: [Function: once],
prependOnceListener: [Function: prependOnceListener],
removeListener: [Function: removeListener],
removeAllListeners: [Function: removeAllListeners],
listeners: [Function: listeners],
listenerCount: [Function: listenerCount],
eventNames: [Function: eventNames],
init: [Function: init],
defaultConfiguration: [Function: defaultConfiguration],
lazyrouter: [Function: lazyrouter],
handle: [Function: handle],
use: [Function: use],
route: [Function: route],
engine: [Function: engine],
param: [Function: param],
set: [Function: set],
path: [Function: path],
enabled: [Function: enabled],
disabled: [Function: disabled],
enable: [Function: enable],
disable: [Function: disable],
acl: [Function],
bind: [Function],
checkout: [Function],
connect: [Function],
copy: [Function],
delete: [Function],
get: [Function],
head: [Function],
link: [Function],
lock: [Function],
'm-search': [Function],
merge: [Function],
mkactivity: [Function],
mkcalendar: [Function],
mkcol: [Function],
move: [Function],
notify: [Function],
options: [Function],
patch: [Function],
post: [Function],
propfind: [Function],
proppatch: [Function],
purge: [Function],
put: [Function],
rebind: [Function],
report: [Function],
search: [Function],
subscribe: [Function],
trace: [Function],
unbind: [Function],
unlink: [Function],
unlock: [Function],
unsubscribe: [Function],
all: [Function: all],
del: [Function],
render: [Function: render],
listen: [Function: listen],
request: IncomingMessage { app: [Circular] },
response: ServerResponse { app: [Circular] },
cache: {},
engines: {},
{ 'x-powered-by': true,
etag: 'weak',
'etag fn': [Function: generateETag],
env: 'development',
'query parser': 'extended',
'query parser fn': [Function: parseExtendedQueryString],
'subdomain offset': 2,
'trust proxy': false,
'trust proxy fn': [Function: trustNone],
view: [Function: View],
views: 'F:\\Projects\\Node\\REST-app1\\views',
'jsonp callback name': 'callback' },
_eventsCount: 1,
{ settings:
{ 'x-powered-by': true,
etag: 'weak',
'etag fn': [Function: generateETag],
env: 'development',
'query parser': 'extended',
'query parser fn': [Function: parseExtendedQueryString],
'subdomain offset': 2,
'trust proxy': false,
'trust proxy fn': [Function: trustNone],
view: [Function: View],
views: 'F:\\Projects\\Node\\REST-app1\\views',
'jsonp callback name': 'callback' } },
mountpath: '/' }
- You can see it all. Don't get confused. Only for GEEKS.
- Now we have setup our app.
- We have to listen to incoming requests on a port.
- But how do we listen to incoming requests.
app.listen(process.env.port||3000,function () {
console.log("listeing on port 3000");
- This code does that for us. the process.env.port||3000
- This tell us to listen on port 3000 or port on the web server environment that the app can listen to requests.
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